Mediaite November 14, 2019 In the past few years, a number of media outlets have given up their print publications in favor of going exclusively online, including ESPN The Magazine, The New York Observer, Glamour and Seventeen. Despite these changes, there has been scant meaningful research on what such publications are losing - aside from paper - when they go online-only. But a new study may provide an answer. Published in Journalism Practice, the study suggests that publications that have ended their print editions could be sacrificing a valuable measure of engagement with their readers: time. The study looked specifically at NME, the popular British music magazine also known as New Musical Express that had

Richmond Times Dispatch November 7, 2019 From Reuters Community comes refreshing news for those who still prefer the printed page to the digital screen. It seems that Generation Z (the demographic group born after 1997) - fed up with fake news and questionable electronic media sources - is turning to good, old reliable print media for trustworthy and reliable information, according to several studies. In the online article, "Millennials killed print. Will Gen Z revive it?" Chaymae Samir writes: "In a world where just about anyone can be a 'publisher' and post fake news, audiences are starting to question the validity of their